Having devoured her three previous works In the Woods, The Likeness, and Faithful Place, I impatiently awaited French’s fourth crime/mystery novel. In Broken Harbour we meet another detective of the Dublin Murder Squad, Mick Kennedy, who comes with a lot of experience and an impeccable solving record. He assumes his newest case to become yet another brilliant solve to be added to the list. But this case turns out to harbour more sinister secrets and complications than expected at first sight. Together with his rookie partner Richie, Kennedy examines the murder of a family in their home in a newly developed residential estate near the sea, a place formerly known as Broken Harbour. While the only survivor, the mother, lies in hospital with stab wounds, the detectives begin to unravel the life and secrets of the Spain family. Just like the estate itself has not turned out to be the promised suburban dream in light of the economic crisis, the perfect surface of the Spain family’s life does not tell you the whole story. And similarly as in other French novels, the case causes dark memories of the investigating detective’s own past to resurface. French’s books are no ordinary crime novels: Alongside the suspenseful crime story, learning about the background and secrets of the main characters makes us equally eager to keep turning the pages. French manages to completely envelop you in her stories so that by the end of the book, you will feel like a part of it. After turning the last page, you cannot help but feel a little bit abandoned, keenly waiting for the next tale revolving around your Dublin Murder Squad friends.